BFIRST relies on the generosity of people like you.
Your support is essential for our projects which train surgeons in their local environment to better care for people in need of specialist reconstructive surgery.
Donate for free to BFIRST every time you shop
Sign up with EasyFundraising to donate to us for FREE every time you shop.
EasyFundraising partners with over 7,500 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.
Brands pay the platform a commission because when you start your shop from the EasyFundraising website or app, they can you were referred by their platform. If you make a purchase, a commission is generated, and that will be turned to a donation reaching BFIRST.
Signing up it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long.
The donations made by the platform will help support our charity!
Click here to sign-up and support us
Your donation will be used in full to directly help patients by providing necessary supplies and the valuable time needed to train and further educate surgeons and hospital staff.
- £40 can pay for gloves, antiseptic cleaning solution and simple dressings for 15 patients.
- £80 can pay for a day’s lectures on plastic surgery and anaesthesia in Sierra Leone.
- £150 can pay for antibiotics for 10 patients for a week.
- £275 can pay for 3 days of anaesthetic training.
- £450 can pay for anaesthetic medicine and pain relief to support 30 surgical procedures.
- £850 can pay for a local doctor to be trained in plastic surgery for a week.
With your help, we can train local surgeons with limited resources to perform procedures that can change lives.
We can’t do it without you!
Donate to BFIRST