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BFIRST Tanzania Overseas Visit September 2022

BFIRST Tanzania Overseas Visit September 2022

The BFIRST overseas trips restarted this September with a visit to Tanzania at the Tumbi Regional

Referral Hospital in the Pwani region.

The team comprised of Mr Naveen Cavale, Mr Foiz Ahmed, Mr Asmat Din, Miss Emma Murray, Dr Terouz Pasha, Dr Melika Moghim had as principal aims the teaching and training of local teams while also focusing on capacity building and coordination of local teams.

Tumbi Hospital has orthopaedics and general surgery but currently no plastic surgeons. Due to our historic links with the local team here, the BFIRST team was able to run two days of clinics with patients whom the local team had prepared.

Whilst some of our team ran the clinics, other members attended meetings with the only plastic

surgery department in Tanzania, at Muhimbili National University Hospital. There they established new connections with the local plastic surgery team, gained an understanding of their current plastic surgery training programme and identified gaps within the plastic surgery service provision.

The need for hand surgery, acute care management and microsurgery was particularly highlighted.

This trip marks the beginning of a collaboration with the plastic surgery department at Muhimbili National Hospital with the objectives to:

  1. Assist in growing their current plastic surgery training programme
  2. Support them in long-term goals of establishing a hand surgery service, training in microsurgery and management of acute plastic surgery cases.
  3. Co-ordinate the various teams to support them in establishing a national referral service.


A full report will for this trip will be available soon.